About us

Terms and Conditions

    • Eall.com.cn only provides less than 10 static HTML pages, except website with multi languages. Over 10 pages, an additional fee depending on the workload according to RMB800.00/Man day will be charged.
    • Eall.com.cn only responsible for adding less than 10 pages of the website, including article page and product pages. Over 10 pages, an additional fee depending on the workload according to RMB800.00/Man day will be charged.
    • Client should give feedback within 3 working days for design drafts confirm and within 5 working days for testing website confirm. Otherwise, Eall.com.cn will inform client to freeze the project. To restart the project, Client should inform Eall.com.cn by written or E-mail and Eall.com.cn will arrange it according to work status. An additional fee RMB800.00 will be charged for the earlier restart of the frozen project.
    • Eall.com.cn only accepts amendments for 5 times after web launch, and send by direct contact person via E-mail. Over 5 times, an additional fee depending on the workload according to RMB800.00/Man day will be charged.
    • RMB800.00/Man Day is the standard price, less than one day should be calculated as one day.
    • Source Files and Copyrights:The client will retain all source files including their copyrights. Pictures and contents will be provided by the client. Eall.com.cn is not responsible for the copyright of the pictures and contents provided.In cases where the images provided by the client are licensed or copyrighted, the client shall purchase the images for legitimate use.


  1. 我方提供10个以内静态HTML页面(多语种网站除外),多于10个页面我方将按RMB800/人天追加费用;
  2. 我方负责网站页面内容上传添加不超过10个(含文章页面&产品),超过部分我方将按RMB800/人天追加费用;
  3. 网站首页效果图客方于3个工作日内回复确认;测试网站须由客方于5个工作日内回复确认。逾期我方会冻结项目并发出冻结通知书。如需恢复项目,由客方书面或邮件提出申请,我方将酌情安排。提前恢复项目,需由客方加付RMB800.00;
  4. 网站上线后我方接受5次以内的修改,超过5次,我方将根据工作量以RMB800/人天追加费用(修改需由客方直接负责人邮件通知我司);
  5. RMB800/人天为我方起价标准,不足一天按一天计算。
  6. 我方对文字及图片资料中所涉及的包括知识产权在内的一切法律问题不承担任何法律责任。设计中如需购买版权图片,费用由甲方承担。